Nowadays, it pays to get a 2nd opinion on just about everything- especially when it comes to your finances. Just as you might have several doctors attending to you, it is not uncommon to also have several financial people working for you as well. After all, no one person can have all the answers! Below are some of the typical items we often include in our 2nd Opinion Service. (Fees are based on the complexity of each individual situation)
Retirement Readiness Review
Will your money last as long as you do? Will there be anything left? How will volatile markets, increased taxes, health care and inflation affect your retirement? And what if you should live a long time or need extended care? Are your current investment and financial arrangements aligned to support these goals or detract from them? These are great questions to ask and no retirement plan is complete unless that plan provides you with the right answers. We will stress test your existing plan against these concerns to determine if you are fully prepared for what may come in the future.
Portfolio Review
Our portfolio review begins with our risk assessment tool which tells you if your investment risk is in line with your risk tolerance. We then stress test your portfolio against past ‘black swan’ market events to see how it holds up. We also look for tax inefficiencies, poor investment structures, overlapping holdings, excess fees, and other areas which can rob you of potential returns.
Estate Planning Review
Will Uncle Sam be one of your biggest heirs? He could be, and you may not be aware of it. Even having an updated Living Trust will not protect all your assets. With the recent passing of “The Secure Act”, many large IRA owners have been shocked to learn just how much of their intended legacy will now be further decimated by taxes. The good news is, we can fix this. We also review current beneficiary arrangements on all your assets for accuracy and estate planning congruency.
Tax Review
Most people are overpaying their income taxes just because they do not know any better. For some, paying taxes can actually be voluntary- depending on the nature of their investments and estate planning strategies. We make sure you are taking advantage of all the tax laws allow while staying compliant.
Summary of Findings
You will receive a summary of our findings and recommendations about what’s working and what’s not in your current planning. You are under no obligation to use us to ‘fix’ these deficiencies, but of course we would be happy to partner with you in any way we can. The fees paid for your 2nd Opinion/Review Service will be credited towards any future fees should you choose to engage us for implementation.
Get Started Now
If you’re interested in partnering with us to create the kind of worry-free retirement you’ve worked a lifetime to achieve, call us today at 760-752-7848, email us here, or click on this calendar link to schedule a 15-minute “Get Acquainted” phone call so we can find out a little more about your situation and see how we might best be of service to you.